What is We3?✨

We3 is the professional network for accessing the most valuable information and people in web3.

We are building the inclusive web3 world
we want to see.

Who is We3 for?

We3 is for women, non-binary individuals, and our male allies - we bond through learning, investing and accessing cutting-edge professional & financial opportunities in web3.

Want to join the community? You can sign up or refer a friend at ✨www.hello-we3.com/invite 🌍. (Have them mention your name - we love rewarding our active members!)

Curious what you missed?

We can't wait to keep building this community with you!

💛 With love,
We3 Core Team

The professional network for accessing the most valuable information and people in web3 - and building the inclusive web3 world we want to see.

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What's happening in We3, the web3 network for women & non-binary professionals✨


We3 is the web3 network for women and non-binary professionals. Join us! hello-we3.com